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to a scientific conference of your choice!

Get a £2,000 travel grant

We truly believe in the potential of mass photometry to revolutionise bioanalytics. It is always heartening for us to learn about new applications of mass photometry.

To encourage and provide a platform for this unique technology to be shared with the community at large, we are offering a travel grant of up to £2,000 to any mass photometry users wishing to present their work featuring mass photometry at a scientific conference. The travel grant is designed to offset the cost of travel and any related expenses, to a conference of the applicant’s choice.

Applications will be evaluated by a select panel based on novelty, impact, and scientific merit.


Frequently asked questions

Who can apply?
Applications will be considered from any users of mass photometry, including early career scientists, graduate and PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, lab technicians, and staff scientists. 

Note: We are unable to pay awards to recipients in jurisdictions, countries or regions of the world subject to sanctions, embargoes or other political trade restrictions put in place by the United Nations, the EU or the UK.


What types of expenses will be covered by the Grant?

  • Conference registration fees

  • Travel (flights, trains, public transportation, etc.)

  • Accommodation


Guidelines for application:

  • All applicants must complete the form in English.

  • In addition to the completed application form, you may be required to submit additional documentation to justify predicted expenses.

  • If your application is successful, you will be required to sign an agreement of fair use.
  • The target conference and the reason for its choice should be clearly articulated in the application.

  • If successful in your application, we will pay the funds directly into your personal bank account (upon proof of acceptance for oral or poster presentation at the chosen conference).

  • Successful grant applicants’ name, presentation title, and institution will be featured across various Refeyn channels. Winners can also opt to work with Refeyn to create additional blog post, video, or other types of content featuring their research.

  • The grant shall be awarded only once every two years for any applicant.

Important dates

Important Dates

  • The deadline for applications is 30 November 2023.

  • Successful applicants will be notified within 4 weeks from the application deadline.

  • Applications will not be considered retrospectively for any events that took place before the application deadline.

  • You can apply for a conference taking place between 30 November 2023 – 30 June 2024.

Winner Testimonials
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Luca Schulz

PhD candidate at Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology


Refeyn Travel Grant Winner (March 2021)

Topic: Evolution of specificity and entrenchment at the dawn of Form I Rubiscos

“I attended the Molecular Basis of Microbial One-Carbon Metabolism, Gordon Research Conference, in Boston, US […]. It was great to be at that conference. It was my first international conference. I managed to meet a lot of people that also worked with Rubisco and similar protein systems. It was very nice to see everyone together in a room and not on Zoom, talking about their research. It was inspiring and it also inspired collaborations with other people that work with Rubisco.” 


“I was able to narrate a finished part of my story. Many people at the conference haven’t previously been concerned with exploring the evolutionary aspect of their protein complex. Therefore, I think that my poster inspired other people to also look at this aspect. This led to many fruitful discussions and opened up a lot of research questions. On top of that, everybody loved mass photometry. We had plenty of discussions about mass photometry and how it could be applied to their research.” 


Kevin Chen

Postdoctoral Researcher at The University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience

Refeyn Travel Grant Winner (March 2021)

Topic: Probing and modulating the function of the Retromer endosomal trafficking complex through the novel macrocyclic peptides 

“I went to ComBio 2022, which took place at the end of September in Melbourne. For me it was important to attend this conference, as my project had made me interested in the translational side of research. I was hoping for some expert feedback and networking opportunities.  

The conference was pretty good! There were many interesting talks, and I was able to present my data as a talk in the drug discovery section. I got positive feedback, as well as interest and comments around the delivery of cyclic peptides inside the cells, which is a major challenge in cyclic peptides research.  Certainly, this is going to be an area where we are going to be focusing going forward, along with our collaborators.” 

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Ananya Acharya

Recombination Mechanisms Scientist at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine


Refeyn Travel Grant Winner (March 2022)

Topic: Mechanism of DNA unwinding by MCM8-9 and HROB

I attended the Recombination Mechanisms Conference in Lisbon in July 2023. This conference marked the continuation of a 50-year tradition, bringing fresh insights into the realms of DNA repair, replication fork maintenance, and meiosis. The conference's focus on genome stability and cancer prevention provided enlightening insights that were crucial to my research.

A personal highlight for me was presenting my work in a poster session at this esteemed gathering. The feedback I received was both encouraging and insightful. Networking with peers and leading experts, whose work I deeply admire, offered invaluable opportunities for sparking new ideas and potential collaborations. Additionally, the chance to immerse myself in Lisbon's rich history and vibrant culture added an unforgettable dimension to my experience. This conference was more than just informative; it was a source of inspiration, bolstering my enthusiasm for continued research and collaboration.

Thanks to the Travel Grant, for making this possible.

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Simanta Paul

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alberta


Refeyn Travel Grant Winner (March 2022)

Topic: Quantifying Oligomer Populations in Real Time during Protein Aggregation Using Single-Molecule Mass Photometry

I am happy to inform you that the presentation at the Protein Society Annual Symposium was well-received. The content of the presentation was based on the publication I submitted in my application, and it sparked a great deal of interest, leading to exchange of ideas addressing protein aggregation challenges. I'm grateful for Refeyn's invaluable support through the travel grant, which made it possible to share our work with a broader audience.

Submit your application


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Refeyn Ltd.

Unit 9, Trade City, Sandy Ln W,

Oxford OX4 6FF, United Kingdom

Telephone number

+44 1865 800175

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