Refeyn consumables for mass photometry

Confidence in your measurements

Using mass photometry consumables developed specifically for Refeyn instruments, you can benefit from hassle-free measurements, with less time for sample prep and more confidence in your measurements. The consumables range includes the essential tools to perform molecular mass measurement and AAV characterization with mass photometry.

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Auto MP Sample Preparation Pack

Ref: MP-CON-21013
Preparation kit for the TwoMP and SamuxMP range to support 1200 sample measurements included:
  • 5 boxes of ready-to-use uncoated and clean sample carrier slides (10 slides/box, 3 months shelf life).
  • 50 sample well cassettes (24 sample wells/cassette).
  • lens tissue to clean the instrument objective.

Auto MP Starter kit

Ref: MP-CON-21018

Preparation kit for the TwoMP and SamuxMP range to support 1200 sample measurements, and the Alignment Assist Package to affix the sample well cassette precisely and reliably to the sample carrier slide included:

  • 5 boxes of ready-to-use uncoated and clean sample carrier slides (10 slides/box, 3 months shelf life).

  • 50 sample well cassettes (24 sample wells/cassette).

  • Alignment Assist Package: alignment tool, tweezers, and magnetic slide holders. Also includes lens tissue to clean the instrument objective

KaritroMP Consumable Sample Prep Pack

Ref: MP-CON-21102
Preparation kit for the KaritroMP range to support 520 single measurements Includes:
  • 3 packs of lens tissues
  • 4 packs of sample carriers (including cassettes, lids, MassGlass KV slides)

KaritroMP Consumable Starter Kit

Ref: MP-CON-21101
Preparation kit for the KaritroMP range to support 520 single measurements and the Alignment Assist Package to affix the sample well cassette precisely and reliably to the sample carrier slide. Includes:
  • Karitro alignment tool, carbon fibre tip tweezers, set of magnets
  • 3 packs of lens tissues
  • 4 packs of sample carriers (including cassettes, lids, MassGlass KV slides)

MassFerence P1 Calibrant

Ref: MP-CON-41033
  • A calibrant protein tailored for the OneMP and TwoMP mass photometers
  • Each package contains 3 x 50 µL aliquots in high concentration
  • Provides a calibration suitable for measuring proteins between 90 to 1000 kDa
  • Each vial is sufficient for 10 Calibrations
  • Store at -20 ºC, stable for 3 months

MassFerence® P2 Calibrant

Ref: MP-CON-41015
Streamline your AAV measurements with MassFerence P2, Refeyn’s bespoke calibrant for the Samux line of mass photometers. MassFerence P2 is designed to calibrate mass photometry measurements of AAV-containing samples with masses ranging from 670 kDa to 5 MDa.
  • Contains 3 vials of MassFerence P2 calibrant in dry form
  • Resuspend by adding 120 μL of buffer
  • Each vial is sufficient for 10 calibrations when reconstituted
Shelf life:  Dried calibrant stable for 9 months at 4 ºC. Solution stable for 5 days at 4 ºC.

MP Sample Preparation Pack

Ref: MP-CON-21008
Preparation kit for the TwoMP, OneMP and SamuxMP range to support 300 sample measurements, included:
  • 5 boxes of ready-to-use uncoated and clean sample carrier slides (10 slides/box, 3 months shelf life).
  • 50 sample well cassettes (6 sample wells/cassette).

MP Starter Kit

Ref: MP-CON-21001
Preparation kit for the TwoMP, OneMP and SamuxMP range to support 300 sample measurements, and the Alignment Assist Package to affix the sample well cassette precisely and reliably to the sample carrier slide included:
  • 5 boxes of ready-to-use uncoated and clean sample carrier slides (10 slides/box, 3 months shelf life).
  • 50 sample well cassettes (6 sample wells/cassette).
  • Alignment Assist Package: alignment tool, tweezers, and magnetic slide holders. Also includes lens tissue to clean the instrument objective.

OneMP starter kit

Ref: MP-CON-21004
Preparation kit for the OneMP range to support 300 sample measurements, and the Alignment Assist Package to affix the sample well cassette precisely and reliably to the sample carrier slide included:
  • 5 boxes of ready-to-use uncoated and clean sample carrier slides optimized to work for Nucleic acid samples (10 slides/box, 3 months shelf life).
  • 50 sample well cassettes (6 sample wells/cassette).
  • Alignment Assist Package: sample stage plate, alignment tool, tweezers, and magnetic slide holders. Also includes lens tissue to clean the instrument objective.

Sample Carrier Package

Ref: MP-CON-21009
This package contains enough sample carrier slides to support 300 mass photometry measurements. Includes:
  • 5 boxes of ready-to-use uncoated and clean sample carrier slides (10 slides/box, 3 months shelf life)
Note: sample well cassettes required for measurement not included.