MassFluidix® HC system

Gain insight into weak protein-protein interactions

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Meet MassFluidix HC

Refeyn’s microfluidics system, MassFluidix HC, significantly expands the range of sample concentrations amenable to investigation by mass photometry, by raising the upper sample concentration limit from the nanomolar to the micromolar range. This enables applications such as the characterization of low-affinity interactions. 

MassFluidix HC is an add-on for Refeyn’s TwoMP mass photometer and includes a central unit with fluid controls and a rapid dilution chip.

Characterization of concentrated samples

  • Starting concentration up to tens of micromolar

  • Measurement of low-affinity and transient interactions

  • Rapid dilution: Sample reaches observation window in < 37 ms

Rapid analysis requiring little sample

  • Experimental setup < 5 min​

  • Cleaning protocol < 15 min

  • Little sample needed (20 – 60 μL)​

  • Minimal sample preparation

User-friendly operation​

  • User training takes just one day

  • User-friendly fluid control software

  • Benchtop instrument

Rapid dilution of highly concentrated samples

MassFluidix HC system

Mass photometry is a bioanalytical technology that rapidly measures the mass of biomolecules in solution without the need for labels.

The MassFluidix HC system add-on can help reveal low-affinity complexes that were previously undetected. In the example provided in the application note, the MassFluidix HC system was used with the TwoMP mass photometer – to investigate the oligomerization behavior of integrin αL/β2, a low-affinity integrin heterodimer. 

After manual dilution, the mass profile showed mainly monomers of αL and β2 with a small peak corresponding to heterodimers. After rapid dilution with MassFluidix HC, the sample state at micromolar concentration was captured, showing the presence of more dimers and bigger complexes with a corresponding decrease in monomers – revealing low-affinity interactions that occur at high sample concentrations. For more details about this study, read the application note.(Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Rapid dilution with MassFluidix HC reveals low-affinity complexes. A 2 µM solution of integrin αL/β2 was measured with mass photometry after being diluted to 5 nM either manually or using the MassFluidix HC system. Following manual dilution (orange), αL and β2 monomer peaks were clearly visible, along with a small heterodimer peak. In contrast, after rapid dilution with MassFluidix HC, there were fewer monomers and significantly more heterodimers present, in addition to heterotetramers – which were poorly resolved after manual dilution. Samples were obtained from R&D Systems Inc. 

  • Measurement of concentrated samples

  • Uses rapid dilution

  • Add-on to TwoMP 

Learn more about the MassFluidix HC system for rapid dilution via microfluidics

Ready-to-use consumables for MassFluidix HC

Top up your supply of consumables for mass photometry analysis of concentrated protein samples with MassFluidix HC.  

Purchase the sample preparation package, which includes a MassFluidix HC chip that supports five measurements.  

Visit the consumables page below to learn more.  

Learn more about MassFluidix® HC system