The αTSR Domain of Plasmodium Circumsporozoite Protein Bound Heparan Sulfates and Elicited High Titers of Sporozoite Binding Antibody After Displayed by Nanoparticles
Replication Protein A Utilizes Differential Engagement of Its DNA-Binding Domains to Bind Biologically Relevant ssDNAs in Diverse Binding Modes
Role of dynamin-related proteins 2 and SH3P2 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Zinc-finger BED domains drive the formation of the active Hermes transpososome by asymmetric DNA binding
Single-molecule imaging reveals a direct role of CTCF’s zinc fingers in SA interaction and cluster-dependent RNA recruitment
Antibody elicited by HIV-1 immunogen vaccination in macaques displaces Env fusion peptide and destroys a neutralizing epitope
A novel, RAS-independent role for NF1 in microtubular dynamics and damage repair dictates sensitivity to T-DM1 in HER2-positive breast cancer
ATP-dependent conformational dynamics in a photoactivated adenylate cyclase revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering