Detection of concentration-dependent conformational changes in SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein by agarose native gel electrophoresis
Enzymatic C3-Methylation of Indoles Using Methyltransferase PsmD─Crystal Structure, Catalytic Mechanism, and Preparative Applications
Hyper-truncated Asn355- and Asn391-glycans modulate the activity of neutrophil granule myeloperoxidase
Elucidation of structure–function relationships in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii RNase P, a multi-subunit catalytic ribonucleoprotein
Machine Learning-Supported Enzyme Engineering toward Improved CO2-Fixation of Glycolyl-CoA Carboxylase
High-resolution structures illuminate key principles underlying voltage and LRRC26 regulation of Slo1 channels
A morpheein equilibrium regulates catalysis in phosphoserine phosphatase SerB2 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Structural and biochemical characterisation of the Providencia stuartii arginine decarboxylase shows distinct polymerisation and regulation