Casposase structure and the mechanistic link between DNA transposition and spacer acquisition by CRISPR-Cas
The Candida albicans virulence factor candidalysin polymerizes in solution to form membrane pores and damage epithelial cells
Dimerization-dependent serine protease activity of FAM111A prevents replication fork stalling at topoisomerase 1 cleavage complexes
Architectural basis for cylindrical self-assembly governing Plk4-mediated centriole duplication in human cells
Artificial surface labelling of Escherichia coli with StrepTagII antigen to study how monoclonal antibodies drive complement-mediated killing
Centrosome amplification and aneuploidy driven by the HIV-1-induced Vpr•VprBP•Plk4 complex in CD4+ T cells
Positively bound: Remapping of Increased Positive Charge Drives SARS-CoV-2 Spike Evolution to Optimize its Binding to Cell Surface Receptors