German Biophysical Society Meeting

The international conference is held every two years and features an exciting program covering topics of the three subsections of the German Biophysical Society: Molecular Biophysics, Membrane Biophysics, and Cellular Biophysics. It is intended to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians presenting latest results on method developments and applications in the field of biophysics. The conference […]

NIH Tech Day

The nation’s medical research agency – the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – has a massive campus running cutting edge research and development, supported heavily by advanced technology and innovation. With this comes a unique audience of scientists and personnel with special applications.

Colorado Protein Stability Conference

Protein stability is important in numerous disciplines, ranging from basic and medical biochemistry to pharmaceutical sciences. However, it is rare that researchers from all of the relevant areas can join together to discuss the critical issues in the field. The 2022 Colorado Protein Stability Conference provides a unique forum for this exchange of information. The […]

BVS’ Scientific Vendor Event

This will be a lunch event at the “Point” Event Space. The Palo Alto Labs campus has a 260,000 SF lab space for small to medium life science companies. Only Palo Alto Labs offers a 100% lab-focused campus just 5 minutes from Stanford University, with modern lifestyle amenities and convenient outdoor recreational options. All the […]

Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M)

Don’t miss out on the premier microscopy education and networking event of the year – Microscopy & Microanalysis 2022 in Portland, Oregon, July 31-August 4! Portland provides an ideal summer backdrop for what promises to be another stellar M&M meeting! The Pacific Northwest region is a vacationer’s dream, with numerous activities for outdoor enthusiasts and […]

CryoEM Sample Preparation Training Using Center Merit Badges

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) is a method used to determine high-resolution, three-dimensional structures of samples that could not be used with other techniques in the past, such as samples containing mixtures of different biological structures or intact cells. CryoEM instrumentation is being installed in many research institutions and there is a need to learn the best […]

42nd Steenbock Symposium

Join us in celebrating the launch of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) at UW­­–Madison! The Department of Biochemistry’s 42nd Steenbock Symposium, “Opening Doors to Cryo-EM,” will highlight groundbreaking developments in cryo-EM and related techniques and will bring experts from across structural biology to the UW–Madison campus.

Biomolecules in Action III

It is our great pleasure to invite you to join the FEBS practical/lecture course Biomolecules in Action III with focus on the latest, most applicable, and emerging bioanalytical methods applied in life sciences in order to characterise biomolecules for later studies involving novel radiation sources such as free electron lasers and complementary techniques (e.g. Cryo-EM).

SWEPROT – Swedish Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function

For more than two decades, the SWEPROT Annual Symposium has remained a node for scientific exchange for PIs, post docs and graduate students working in Sweden within molecular life sciences. Since 2017, SWEPROT is also the annual meeting of SFBBM, the Swedish Society of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, which is the Swedish member society […]

Mass Photometry Symposium and User Meeting

We are excited to host the first ever Mass Photometry Symposium and User Meeting, in partnership with the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery at the University of Oxford.