Affinity 2023

The International Society for Molecular Recognition (ISMR) was founded in 1985 and conceived to foster communication between researchers concerned with molecular recognition in chemistry, biology, biotechnology and medicine.

2nd MOSBRI Scientific Conference

MOSBRI (Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure is a geographically distributed, scientifically and technologically integrated consortium, combining the distinct instrumentation and expertise of 13 academic centres of excellence and 2 industrial partners from 11 different European countries, coordinated by Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) and funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. The second […]


The main topics are digitalization, artificial intelligence and sustainability. The focus is on workflow optimization, communication standards, innovative laboratory equipment and automation – not only for research and development laboratories, but also for routine and quality control laboratories.

Bioprocess International 2023

Bioprocessing International is an industry heavy conference that focuses on improving efficiencies across all phases of biopharma development and production.

Microscopy and Microanalysis 2023

The Microscopy and Microanalysis conference is focused on microscopic techniques and methodologies that lend themselves to structural biology and biophysical analyses.