ASMB/EB Annual Meeting 2022

Join us at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)/Experimental Biology (EB) conference — hosted by five scientific societies supporting studies in biochemistry and molecular biology, anatomy, pharmacology, physiology and pathology — attracts thousands of researchers and exhibitors. Starting in 2023, the five societies will be parting ways. So don’t miss this last […]

SLAS International Conference and Exhibition 2022

Refeyn is excited to attend the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) 2022 International Conference and Exhibition to Boston for the first time – in person — with a fresh program highlighting life sciences discovery and research and innovations in laboratory technology. The influence of several top-tier academic institutions in and around the area […]

ABRF Annual Meeting 2022

Join us at the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) Annual Meeting, an international program that provides timely updates on cutting-edge science and its execution in a shared resource/core facility setting. These meetings also offer informative and practical workshops as well as ample networking opportunities with academics, corporate, and technology partner colleagues.

ABRF Annual Meeting 2021

Join us at the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) Annual Meeting, an international program that provides timely updates on cutting-edge science and its execution in a shared resource/core facility setting. These meetings also offer informative and practical workshops as well as ample networking opportunities with academics, corporate, and technology partner colleagues.

65th Annual BPS Meeting

As science becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, the Biophysical Society (BPS) Annual Meeting continues its long-held reputation for bringing together leading scientists from the all over the world who work at the interface of the life, physical, and computational sciences. Join Refeyn on this dynamic five-day meeting, providing attendees with opportunities to share their latest unpublished findings […]

20th Annual PepTalk

Join us at PepTalk, an annual gathering for key players in the industry that connects people from around the world to share knowledge and accelerate biotherapeutics development.

Live Mass Photometry Demo

Want to see for yourself how mass photometry experiments work? Join us for a live demo, including a Q&A session with one of our expert applications scientists. This will be an online event, so you can join from anywhere using your computer.

Live Mass Photometry Demo

Want to see for yourself how mass photometry experiments work? Join us for a live demo, including a Q&A session with one of our expert applications scientists. This will be an online event, so you can join from anywhere using your computer.

NERLSCD Annual Meeting 2021

The Northeast Regional Laboratory Staff & Core Directors (NERLSCD) meeting has emerged as one of the best annual regional gatherings for core facility directors, managers, staff and administrators to network with colleagues; learn about biotechnology advances and challenges.

66th Annual BPS Meeting

As science becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, the Biophysical Society (BPS) Annual Meeting continues its long-held reputation for bringing together leading scientists from the all over the world who work at the interface of the life, physical, and computational sciences. Join Refeyn on this dynamic five-day meeting, providing attendees with opportunities to share their latest unpublished findings […]