創薬および製薬に向けたMass photometry法のアプリケーション

近年バイオ医薬品の開発が目まぐるしく、さらにそのモダリティ開発に関して積極的に取り組まれる中、分子生物学的にそのメカニズムをとらえていく際に蛋白質の挙動を確認していくことは非常に重要である。一方、抗体を代表とする蛋白質治療薬やAAVなどを利用した遺伝子治療薬においては、生物由来の材料を製造していくにあたり、物性的に均一な商品を産生する必要である。ここで示した2例は一見異なるように思えるが、分析化学の観点からみると、蛋白質やその周辺材料のサイズ分布を確認することが必要とされることが示される。今回の発表では、Mass photometry法の特徴を延べ、創薬および製薬分野においてのアプリケーション、特に分子間相互作用解析への応用例、他原理の補完的データ取得についての手法を紹介する。

Architecture and Stoichiometry of Human Shelterin Using Single-Particle EM and Mass Analysis

In this webinar, Dr. John Zinder, a Senior Scientist in the Structural Biology group at Odyssey Therapeutics, will discuss the purification of shelterin subcomplexes and reconstitution of the entire complex using full-length, recombinant subunits. By combining mass photometry, negative-stain electron microscopy (EM), crosslinking mass spectrometry (XLMS), AlphaFold modelling, and native mass spectrometry (MS), stoichiometries were […]

Webinar | Monitoring Aggregation Levels of Biosimilar mAbs Using Mass Photometry and SEC

In the presented analysis, both SEC and mass photometry were used to measure aggregation levels of trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody, and several trastuzumab biosimilars. The results of this short study demonstrate that SEC and mass photometry are complementary, highlighting the usefulness of mass photometry as an orthogonal technique for monitoring aggregation of biopharmaceuticals such as […]

Webinar | Assessing AAV production variability with single-particle mass analysis

This webcast will demonstrate how the mass of AAV capsids can be determined using two different novel, emerging single-particle techniques: charge-detection mass spectrometry (CDMS) and mass photometry. In contrast to ensemble-based approaches (e.g., native mass spectrometry), mass photometry and CDMS can measure the mass of numerous, individual AAV particles, circumventing issues driven by sample heterogeneity.

Elucidating the composition of CRISPR-Cas12f1 complexes using mass photometry

In this webinar, Selgar Henkel-Heinecke (Leipzig University) describes how he and colleagues used mass photometry to determine the composition of this complexmass photometry, to measure the stoichiometry of two miniature Cas12f1 ribonucleoprotein complexes, AsCas12f1 and SpCas12f1 in vitro, as well as their interaction with nucleic acids that are involved in the genome editing process.

La photométrie de masse : Caractériser vos molécules en 5 minutes!

La photométrie de masse, est une technique bio-analytique dédiée à la caractérisation des molécules. La technologie mesure la masse moléculaire des molécules entre 30 kDa à 5MDa, dans leur états natifs, en solution pour laquelle chaque molécule est détectée et quantifiée.